Aging or Longevity

Aging has been programmed and created to be inherent, universal, progressive natural phenomenon. Every organ in the body ages at a different rate.

The scientific defines aging as: “The progressive failing ability of the body’s own intrinsic and genetic powers to defend, maintain and repair itself in order to keep working efficiently.” It frequently results in actual diseases, lost immunity or system organ failure to death.

Anti-aging medicine is applying holistic discipline, seeing the person as a whole and not as an isolated organ or disease to prevent or limit the process of becoming unhealthy old. It looks the underlying causes of aging and aims at alleviating any related ailment.

Aging is a progressive disorder or failure of metabolic processes. Free radicals from sources such as pollution, bad diet and smoking. When the production of these free radicals increases and goes out of control, they damage the cell membrane and contributing to an important aging process.

Glycation is glucose molecules and other sugars attach to proteins which results in brownish discoloration of tissues. The toxins create Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs) and found in most tissues in the body. The concentration increases from the age of twenty onward.

To keep in good and active function, the proteins, DNA and other molecules will be added ‘methyl groups’. Low methylation is reflected in the increasing levels of homocysteine, which is found in chronic inflammatory processes such as lupus, heart disease and diabetes.

Chronic inflammation: the body tissues are eaten away by toxic chemicals, resulting in dementia, thickening of the arteries, arthritis, diabetes, hormonal imbalance and so on.

Hormonal deregulation: such as growth hormone, melatonin and DHEA need to be replaced or reactivated during aging to prevent the body from falling apart. Binding sites of the hormones is also important in good working order.

While it’s not possible to completely stop the aging process, here are some common anti-aging strategies:

Diet: A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can provide essential nutrients and antioxidants that support overall well-being. Eating proper food is the foundation for a better quality of life and greater longevity.

Hydration: Drinking enough water promotes molecular metabolism, skin moisturized and can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Exercise: is medicine. Regular physical activity can help maintain muscle mass, bone density, and overall health.

Nutrition and nutraceutical supplements: These include but are not limited to vitamins, minerals, selenium, glutathione, superoxide dismutase, Coenzyme Q10, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Carnosine.

Skincare: Using quality skincare products can be beneficial including cleansers, moisturizers, serums, and products containing retinoids or other active ingredients that promote collagen production and skin renewal.

Stress Management: Chronic stress can accelerate the aging process and link to more chronic health conditions every day. Practicing stress-reduction techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can be helpful.

Massage Therapy: would benefit to the body blood circulation and lymph flow in order to remain cells active. and rejuvenate.

Environment Detox: Limit Alcohol and Avoid Smoking can be beneficial. Sunscreen, protective clothing, and avoiding excessive sun exposure can help reduce the risk of sun damage and skin premature aging. Quality sleep is essential for cellular repair and regeneration.

Regular Medical Check-Ups: help identify and address age-related health issues early, ensuring timely intervention and management.

Hormone balance: helps maintain a higher level of functioning for living longer. 

Immune cell therapy: helps the body repair the damaged tissues that cause pain or increase body immunity. 

Anti-aging medicine won’t keep you from aging, but it will help you age well so that you can continue to enjoy life and all that it has to offer.
